Modern C++ emphasizes type safety, performance, and expressive code . With C++20, Concepts were introduced to enhance template programming by offering better readability, error messages, and constraints . However, before Concepts, developers relied on Type Traits (introduced in C++11) combined with SFINAE (Substitution Failure Is Not An Error) to impose constraints on templates. This article explores Concepts vs. Type Traits , comparing their benefits, use cases, and performance implications. What Are Type Traits? Type Traits are a set of compile-time utilities provided in the <type_traits> header. They enable type introspection and allow developers to impose restrictions on template parameters using SFINAE . Example: Enforcing Integral Types with std::enable_if #include <iostream> #include <type_traits> // Function only enabled for integral types template <typename T> typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>...