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C++ Switch vs If Else Performance

In this article I'm not going to explain the basics of switch and if else statements. But I'm going give some points based on my experience from a performance point of view.

When it comes to performance my rule of thumb is always measure the execution time and decide which solution perform better rather than going with theory. Because you might not know how the complier will optimize or based on other factors it might not work as per the theory.

Generally switch statements are faster than if else statements. But when there are few cases (less than 5) it is better to with if else statements as there will no significant performance improvement. Compliers normally generates a jump table when compiling a switch statement by looking at the cases. In worst case complier will produce same code as if else case.

In general when coding first you should focus on the readability of the code. If it is performance critical code we should optimize for performance. When there are two or three cases if else statements are cleaner. Specially when there is a boolean check if else statements perform better. But when there are more cases if switch statements are cleaner.

When using switch statements best practice is to end a non empty case with a break statement. Not following that may lead to issues and it will reduce the maintainability of the code.

Now let's look at if else statements. When you use if else statements in a performance critical code section always use the best possible condition as the first if case and follow the order. While working I have come across developers who do not pay attention to tiny details like these. But if you are a good Software Engineer these things will be applied automatically when you write code.

This point is not related to performance but anyway I thought I should mention. When there is a single line inside if or else statement some developers tend to use a single line as shown in below. 

From my opinion this is a bad practice. Specially when the statement inside if is a return statement. Because when you write code like this you loose the flow of the code which affects the readability and it makes hard to debug as you can't put a break point to that line. I hope to discuss more about these in a separate article.

If you have any important points that should be added to this article feel free to add those in comments. I would love to include those in the article.